A little bit of brand, a little bit of graphic design, a little bit of fiber art.
Lots of tangy and salty passion.

ABOUT the owner

Hi! I’m Melanie

a brand marketer, graphic designer, and fiber artist. I have been building brands in the startup high-tech industry for longer than I care to admit. My passion is visual rhetoric — the art of effective communication through visual elements such as images, typography, and text.

I’m a mom to two human boys and two furry ones. I survive on caffeine, red wine, Peleton, Schitt’s Creek, and Ted Lasso. I am happiest around water, sunshine, and my people. In my spare time (who has spare time?) I love to bake, draw, and create fiber art. I count myself lucky to have some incredible, strong, kick-ass people in my life and on my team.

I’m so happy you’re here!

what I believe in


Make decisions based on your core values. But first, you have to figure out what they are, and your “why”.


You need to fill your own cup before you can fill someone else’s. And the word “No” is a full sentence.


The best vitamin is vitamin sea. There is something magical about the ocean and the sun. Especially in Aruba.



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These are a few of my favorite things
Coffee, laughing with friends, my kids and dogs, swimming, sitting ocean side, true crime documentaries, freshly baked bread, interior design, drawing, red wine, Aruba, and Paris

Let’s Work Together